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Guide Introduction

Guide to Herman Howler's Super Secret Jungle Map Quest

Welcome to the guide on Herman Howler's Super Secret Jungle Map Quest. This quest is found in Chimu which can be gotten to via the world map and then clicking on the city in South America or by clicking on it under the site map option on the side bar.
Herman is a lonely howler monkey (how can I tell you ask, read on) and wants to play games with a few people. He has offered up a Jungle Puzzle piece (49 of them) as a prize if you can beat him at a random game.

Guide Written By Ancalagon

Guide to Herman Howler's Super Secret Jungle Map Quest
The screen setup:

The front page looks pretty simple but shows you how many games you have played today, the daily game limit plus total games played and the total number of games won. You can also refresh it by clicking on the refresh tab at the top but for now, you want to get started by clicking the challenge tab at the top next to top players.

Once you click on challenge your screen will look like this:

You will need to click on that button to accept his challenge.

So you have taken up his challenge to play a game, now what you say.. well next step is to play the game of course. As you can see the game he wants you to play (in my case and the example) its Crashdown Version 2. His score is shown underneath the image. What you need to do is to click on the image which will take you to the game itself so you can play it and beat his score. However the time is 2 hours for each game to play it but the score you submit will be counted towards total plays so be careful. Best way to do it is by restarting the game if your score isn't high enough then once you have the highscore then hit that save score.

You can also surrender as well if you think you are doing a bad job but this also counts towards the total number of plays and the daily limit is only 10.

Once you have saved your score on your game, you will need to go back to Herman and then click on Challenge again. You will be taken to a new screen which will show you your score and his as well as a victory button. Click on the button to get to a new screen and he will give you a puzzle piece:

(image of the victory page here when possible :P)

The puzzle pieces:
You will need to collect all of these puzzle pieces to be able to use them as a full map. Goodluck!