Q: Are the Environments etc transferred when I change my pet species?
A: Yes, all the environments you have unlocked, the pet's stats, fur tonics etc are all on the new species that you choose.
Q: What are the different DNA samples and what dinosaur gives me what DNA sample?
A: There are 5 different DNA samples. For a complete list of what dinosaur gives you what DNA sample please see our table (link)
Q: Can I use the DNA machine if I don't have the night stone?
A: No, you can only use the DNA machine if you already have the night stone which gives you access to Mini City.
Q: How do I use the the DNA Machine?
A: You first need a DNA combination of a species that you wish to have your primary pet changed to. You can view a list of combinations here (link).
once you have chosen the species you will need to have the DNA samples on hands when you go to the machine in Mini City.
Once you are at the machine you will need to click on the DNA samples on the table in the correct order. Once that is done all you need to then do is to press the green button and voila you have a new pet.