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Final Countdown Guide

Game guide for the Norcadia game Brilliant Final Countdown

Guide Written By JerseyGirl08

Final Countdown Guide

Final Countdown is a very challenging game that requires a lot of knowledge about PowerPets. To play you have to have a Game Show Invitation on- hands. They aren’t cheap and this game can be quite risky when you first start to play it.

Once you have your Game Show Invitation, go to the game and click “Start”. You will then go straight into the game. You are being timed (10 seconds for each question) so don’t take too long answering the questions! Answer as many questions as you can and if you make it to the end, you will receive 250,000 pbs and a trophy for your Profile. At the end of each level you have the chance to cash out and stop the game but, the further you progress in the game, the more you win. You can only play this game once per day.

Don’t be pressured by time in this game and make sure you know almost everything about PowerPets. Good Luck!